
Through its strategic CORES program (Centralized Operation of Research Equipment and Support), Dalhousie Medical School has developed a range of core, multi-user research facilities that provide all its researchers with access to sophisticated equipment and facilities – maintained and operated by trained experts.

Not only does the CORES program make the most efficient use of resources by maintaining and operating centralized research facilities, it also:

  • promotes interdisciplinary collaboration
  • provides training to faculty members and trainees
  • helps researchers acquire major new pieces of equipment
  • keeps the research community up-to-date on emerging technologies through workshops and newsletters

Dalhousie Medical School provides ongoing operating support for its core facilities, as well as strategic guidance on development of future core facilities. Many of these have been established with funding support from the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation and its annual Molly Appeal. More core facilities will be developed over time, some in partnership with the QEII Health Sciences Centre and the IWK Health Centre.